
Duration: 45 mins

What to expect: Abhyangam is a full body (head to toe) massage done with medicated herbs oils. It is done in 4 classical positions, with long flowing strokes. The number of strokes and pressure varies based on your requirements and Prakriti.

Benefits: Abyangam is beneficial in reducing body aches & pains, curing Spondylosis, Sleep disorders, paralysis, improving muscle consistency, inducing sound sleep, Improving skin texture, increasing overall well-being, and life span.

How it works: Synchronized motions stimulate nerve ending and increase blood circulation, thereby channelizing early elimination of toxins from the body. The herbs in the medicated oils rejuvenated the tissue and play a vital role in the elimination of toxins.

Not recommended (contraindicated) in case of acute illnesses and fever; extreme obesity, during menstruation, early pregnancy, or just after a heart attack.


Duration: 30 mins

What to expect: herbal foot massage that focuses on vital pressure points to balance the doshas. Benefits: prevents spasm and relaxes the ligaments, improves circulation to lower limbs.

How it works: stimulates all organs and improves vitality. Stimulation of vital points induces deep sleep and faster body revitalization.

Not recommended (contraindicated) in case of Fever, cold, or flu.


Duration : 3 to 21 days @ 30 mins per day

What to expect: in Nasyam, herbal juices, medicated oils, herbal powder, etc. are passed through the nasal cavity according to the underlying condition being treated.

Benefits: Nasyam provides a remedy for congestion, allergies, sinusitis, headaches, migraine, cervical spondylosis, hair fall, premature greying of hair, rhinitis, and nasal infections. It cleanses, purifies, and strengthens the nasal passages, allowing you to breathe fully and easily again.

How to work: Medicated oils/juices/powders stimulate the vital centers of the brain to overcome specific diseases. Not recommended (contraindicated) in case of: After heavy meals or Shirodhara.


(includes Abhyangam)

Duration: 75 mins

What to expect: Shirodhara entails continuous pouring of medicated oil on the forehead with a pendulum motion. The treatment begins with Abhyangam (full body massage) to warm up the body. Then, the Dhara (pouring) begins at the forehead.

Benefits: Shirodhara is useful in the treatment of insomnia, memory loss, poor concentration, chronic headaches, stress, depression, premature graying of hair, mental tension, hypertension, facial paralysis, and degenerative conditions of the brain.

How it works: Pouring of hot oils stimulates and soothes the hypothalamus, thereby regulating the functions of the pituitary gland and inducing sleep.

Not recommended (contraindicated) in case of Chronic sinusitis or cold.


(includes Abhyangam)

Duration: 75 mins

What to expect: Takra means buttermilk and Dhara means pouring. Takahara is the continuous flow of medicated buttermilk on the forehead.

Benefits: Takradhara prevents greying of the hair, reduces headaches, increases digestive power, and alleviates anorexia. It is also useful in insomnia, depression, and other stress-related ailments.

How it works: Pouring of buttermilk stimulates and soothes the hypothalamus, thereby regulating the functions of the pituitary gland and inducing sleep.

Not recommended (contraindicated) in case of Chronic sinusitis or cold.


(includes Shiroabhyangam)

Duration: 45 mins

what to expect: Ksheerdhara involves continuous flow of milk on to the forehead and on the body. It has a cooling effect on your system.

Benefits: Ksheerdhara is useful in treating headaches, insomnia, and mental irritability.

How it works: Pouring of medicated milk stimulates and soothes the hypothalamus, thereby regulating the functions of the pituitary gland and inducing sleep.

Not recommended (contraindicated) in case of Chronic sinusitis or cold.